Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Casino Stock Alert for Melco Crown Entertainment Ltd. Issued by Beacon Equity

DALLAS, March 11, 2010 - Beacon Equity announces an investment report featuring casino and resort company Melco Crown Entertainment Ltd. (Nasdaq:MPEL - News). The report includes financial, comparative and investment analyses, and industry information you need to know to make an educated investment decision.

Melco Crown Entertainment Ltd. (MPEL) develops and operates casino gaming and entertainment resorts within Macau. The Company operates through its subsidiary Melco Crown Gaming (Macau) Limited. The Company is one of six companies granted license to operate casinos within Macau.

In the report, the analyst notes:

"For the foreseeable future, the industry is expected to stabilize in revenue, with consolidations, rightsizing, mergers and acquisitions, as well as industry deleveraging anticipated to continue well into the future.

"Operators outside of the United States and Europe are expected to attract investor capital, as fiscal and trade imbalances between the West and East play out. Macau remains as a wild card location for the industry, a location more likely to run counter trend to the soft demand of the West.

"On the bullish side, Macau operators may benefit from the anticipated upward adjustments in the value of the Renminbi, which has been under pressure for several years to appreciate against the Euro and U.S. dollar as a mechanism of rebalancing trade between the West and China. Revenue generated in Renminbi offers investors an additional incentive associated with a rising trend in the value of the Renminbi."

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